Event Info and FAQ

Forms and Training for Parents

Health and Medical Forms:  These forms are required for all attendees in any scouting activities.  You may have previously submitted these for your scout at the beginning of the school year.  In order to attend any special events (campouts, overnights, day trips, etc.), these forms MUST be on file for ALL attendees (parents, scouts, siblings), regardless of their level of participation.  This is a BSA requirement.

Youth Protection Training:  All Scout Parents are required to view "Youth Protection Training".  YPT is a short, 15 minute video training to keep our scouts safe during all meetings, outings, and campouts.

The BSA Health and Medical forms and YPT information may be found here.

External Venues:  Some events are held at venues that may have their own forms and requirements.  This may include health and medical forms or other image/liability release forms.  If you have questions or concerns, please ask before signing up.

Do's and Don'ts?

Below are best practices and important rules that will help make sure your scouts and your family are safe and have fun during pack events.  There are also some tips for those new to Cub Scouts and/or camping.



What should I buy/bring for Cub Scout Campouts and Overnights?

The list below primarily applies to campouts.  A subset of these items may apply for overnight events.  Details on what to bring (and what not to bring) for overnights will be listed on the sign-up page for the given event.

Basic List:

Pack Supplied Gear:

The pack provides the cooking gear, supplies, and food for campouts so you do not need to buy or bring your own unless you want to.

Important Notes:

If you are new to camping don’t over do it initially with the equipment!  We would recommend buying less expensive gear first and after a few campouts, or a few years, you'll figure out what you consider important and what worth the extra cost. 

This is car camping NOT backpack camping, where you have to carry in/out all of your equipment. So, if you think you might need it (and it fits in your car), bring it.

Cancellation, Refund, and Reschedule Policy

We hope events do not need to be cancelled or rescheduled, but there are rare occasions when it happens.  The cancelation policy varies by event and/or venue and will be posted with the event signup if significantly different from information provided here.

General Policy:

Safety of the scouts and families is our primary concern.  The most likely reason for an event being cancelled is if extreme weather is in the forecast.  This primarily applies to outdoor events but is also considered if travel to/from the event is deemed unsafe or unadvised.  When possible, cancelled events may either be rescheduled or an alternate event may be substituted.  Full or partial refunds may be possible, depending on what expenses/fees the pack incurs.  We do have some contingency in the pack budget for such situations.

BSA rules for "two-deep leadership" are required for ALL events.  The more registered leaders (both male and female) within the pack, the lower the likelihood of an event being canceled due to having an inadequate number of leaders in attendance.  In the event of this happening, we will first try to get other adults who are attending to register.  If this is not possible, the event will be cancelled or rescheduled.


For campouts, the campsites are reserved months in advance, but food and other supplies are typically purchased the week prior to the event.  In the event we need to cancel a campout due to severe weather, we will typically be able to provide a full or partial refund of the food fee, depending on the timing and circumstances.  If food has been purchased, we may seek an alternate plan such as a cookout at the park or church when the weather permits.

Overnights/Sleepovers/Day Trips:

The venues used for some events may offer their programs rain or shine.  The cancellation, reschedule, and refund policy the pack implements will depend on the venue's rules.  Because it can vary greatly by venue, details should be included on the pack sign-up page for any given event.  Also note that the pack may set a sign-up deadline as several days or a week before the venue's published deadline so we have time to compile sign up information.

Council Sponsored and Other Events:

Other events coordinated/sponsored by the council will have their own policies that should be available for review when booking.